Our Story

How it all started...

Around the year 2000, Pastor Randell Turner approached our small congregation with a wild proposition. God had arranged an encounter with a homeless man on Northwest Highway and had then put it on Randell's heart that we need to reach out to this community. The choice laid out was, do things the same as always, or in place of Sunday School, drive down to the Red Colman's liquor store and feed and pray with the homeless people. Well, the congregation answered the call and never looked back. Soon the church's name changed to Second Chance, adding a bus and commercial kitchen to serve our new guests. While learning this new calling by trial and error it became clear that we are not called to be a Homeless Shelter, Soup Kitchen, or Rehab Facility. We are simply a church that has it's eyes open to those hurting in our community. Jesus saw the people and had compassion; so should we. Jesus hasn't given up on them, neither should we.

Where we are...

After twenty years of heart and soul service establishing the church's trajectory, Pastor Turner and his wife Edna moved into well earned retirement. Second Chance then weathered a couple of trying years through the pandemic without a pastor, but God faithful sustained us and brought us through the other side calling Jonathan Myers as the new pastor. Over the last few years faithful members have stepped up to carry the torch forward, and new families have joined to strengthen the heart beat of this Body of Christ. The outreach bus is going strong, breakfast is cooking in the kitchen, the clothes closet is churning, and the power of the Gospel is changing lives. Second Chance is a small church for sure, but we're Alive, and God has us on the front lines storming the gates of hell. 

Where we are headed...

The future of Second Chance Baptist Church is limitless because we serve a God without limits. We will continue to take The Light into the dark places in our community. We will continue to preach scriptural truth without fear of popular opinion. And we will continue to encourage every individual to answer God’s calling.

If you have a heart to serve those suffering around you, join us!
If you are passionate about the authority of scripture, we agree! 
If you are hungry to discover and pursue His calling, welcome!
If you are desperate for a new way to live and a faith that is real, we‘ve got some great news for you!

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.